Thursday, January 28, 2010

Sara (darioush Mehruji)

Happened to catch hold of Sarah from Iran Culture house.
Well i will not write about the movie.
It is a perfect adaption of a norwegian play by henrik Ibsen viz. The Doll's House.

Only one thing i must mention that Sara can be extended to any geography.This is an eternal true story of women all around the globe.
Sara's (Nora's in Doll's House)moments of ecstasy in revealing before her friend about her pride in earning from her own work, is perenially hidden in playing the perfect spoilt wife her husband thinks her to be and is fond of. Sara's vulnerability, her desperate love for the husband, leading her to borrow money and even forge signatures, is shirked off by her husband, moment he realizes that her act can jeopardise his career.
The next moment the threat being over, he is once again the loving, indulging husband.
Sara's act of saving her husband undergoing dire consequences, her secret efforts of saving money, nights of needlework, all are denied in a jiffy as a "crazy, stupid act." Well these recations can be out of immediate frustration and agony and helplessness, that Sara's husband faces. However throghout the movie, Sara's resolve to keep the secret intact,not to reveal her act of extreme hardship before her husband lest she hurts his pride shows the constant loss of faith in the relationship Sara suffers from. In fact, in the evening of the party, when Sarah's husband appears to be still doting on her, she deduces that he is still unaware of the truth.Otherwise such act of kindness is unexpected from him.
There is one issue which comes up through this movie. Throughout the movie Sara is seen toiling hard after her house, cooking, caring for the child. However it is her needlework throughout the night which earns her money and makes her "feel like a man".This brings forth the eternal feminst dilemma of housework.
Niki Karemi as Sara is convincing. However at the ending her arguments sounded too preachy.
And this is exactly where i have a problem with the play as well as the movie. As long as playing the doll suited her, Nora and Sara both played their parts to the finesse. The affluence of their husbands suited their dispositions. However when faced with the wrath they soon decide the husbands to be loveless selfish monsters and leave. As alreday mentioned, they in their hearts had expected similar reaction. In fact that is why they had concealed facts from them, lest the inconvenience of truth spoils the comforts of marriage. And finally when the expected did happen, they decided to get rid of the husbands.
Such choice of convenience, i am afraid cannot and should not be a Feministic approach. And that is where Sara fails.

However this is solely my personal opinion.
You have every right to differ.

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